Steps for setting up your system.
1.Download Kali Linux from here.
2.Extract the contents of Kali Linux
iso file which you downloaded in step
and copy it to pendrive or instead of
pendrive burn the iso file in cd if you
want to make a cd of it.
3.After copying all contents to
pendrive or burning the iso file in
cd,reboot you system,press F8 on
boot-time and select boot from
pendrive if you have copied all the
files in pendrive,else boot from cd-
rom if you burn the iso file in cd.
4.After selecting the boot from
device,the kali installation window
will open,install accordingly as per
your requirement.
5.NOTE uring installation,in mount
point of selected installation
drive,set mount point to"/".
6.Remember the username and
password while installation as this
will be necessity for this hacking
7.Once,installation is
completed,system will reboot,login
your account.
8.Your system is ready for
use.Method which we are using to
hack the username and password or
any user details isSocial Engineering
Toolkit method.
Now lets set it up.
*.Open terminal using ctrl+alt+t or
click on the small black window
image on the top left of your screen.
*.Once terminal is open,type the
code carefully.
sudo root Then enter your root
username and password.Don't close
the terminal.
*.Next step is to open social
engineering toolkit.For this type the
below command in terminal.
You will see something in terminal of
your system as shown below in the
*.As shown above in image,you too
will see the menu in your
terminal.Press "1"and hit enter as
we are going to do Social-
Engineering Attacks.You will see
something in terminal as shown
below in the image.
*.Once again,you will get a menu as
shown above in the image.We are
going to select Website Attack
Vectors,so press "2" and hit
enter.You will see something as
shown in the image below.
*.In this method,we are going to get
the credential of the victim,so press
"3" and hit enter as it will select
credential harvester attack
method.This will open new menu as
shown below in the image.
*.Since,we want the username and
password which is credential of
victim,so we need to trap the victim
in a look a like page to original
website page(like phishing page) and
for that we need to clone a
website.To do this,press "2" and hit
enter which will open something like
shown below.
In above image,you might have
noticed a red colour rectangle box
made by me,in that box,you will find
"tabnabbing: XXX.XX.XXX.X" where
this " XXX.XX.XXX.X" is you
computerIP address.Tofind IP
addressof your computer,open a new
terminal and type the command
given below.
su root
ifconfig In above command,we first
gain the root access,and then
afterwards type "ifconfig" and hit
enter to get theIP address.
Copy paste thisIP addressat the end
of "Tabnabbing:".I have used myIP
addressbut for security reasons i
can't reveal it,so i have posted here "
XXX.XX.XXX.X".Please note that,if
youdon't put your computer IP
address,they this method won't.After
entering yourIP address,hit enter.It
will ask your toenter the url of
website you want to cloneas shown
below.Here,i had entered "
www.ymail.com" as iwant to hack
someone ymail account.The below
image represents all the steps.
It will give a message that its working
on cloning the site and will take a
little bit time.
Once the process is completed,you
will see something as shown in the
image below.
*.The next step is the most
important step,till now we have
make your IP address go online and
anyone who visit your IP address will
see the page which will look like the
website of whose url you entered to
clone.In this step,you need to
shortened your IP address by using
services like ADF.LY, Binbox,
Goo.gl,etc.Once you enter your ip
address on these sites to
shorten,they will provide you a
link,all you need to do is just send
this shortened link to your victim.
*.When the victim visit the url which
you have sent them,the will see a
same page of which url you had
entered to clone the website.The
victim will think that it is a original
page and when the victim enters any
of their information,you will see that
information in the terminal.
*.In this example,i have used
ymail.com.Therefore,the victim will
see homepage ofyahoo mail.This is
only thelogin form,i have entered
thelogin usernameas:"Kali used to
hack email-id and password"
andpasswordas: "Hacking
NOTE:Victim can identify that the
page is a trap as the address bar of
browser will be having your IP
address.For best results,send the
shortened url to victim mobile and
ask them to visit urgently,or you can
say visit this link and login to get
latest updates of their favourite
Theusername and passwordwill be
shownin terminal window andwill be
similar to theimageshownbelow.
If you get stuck anywhere,feel free
to contact us and get solution for
your problem related to this
information.I will suggest you to use
virtual box for usingKali Linuxwithin
your default operating system.Video
tutorial will be given on demand.So if
you need video tutorial related to
this,just contact us from contact
form below at right corner of this
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