
Breaking News

How To Trace Your Facebook Profile Visitors

Now here we found who recently visited
your profile.Follow below steps for get to
know your FBrecent visitors.Step 1) Go to
your Facebook Profile Page.Step 2) Now
Press Ctrl + U from your keyboard for see
source code of your profile page.Step 3)
Now press Ctrl + F from your keyboard to
open search box.Step 4) Now search this
code{"list":Step 5) You find some
Facebook Profile
Step 6) There are some Facebook Profile
Ids of your friends who visited recently.
Step 7) The first one ID's are showing
visits the most number of time. Step 8)
Now if your want to findout, Open anew
tab Enter below
link :www.facebook.com/Facebook
Profile IdFor Example :
The Trick.. :)
We usually send friend requests and if
it'snot accepted it is kept in pending.If
there are lots of pending requests it
maylead to block.So this is a simple way
to get those requests cancelled and
protect your account from being
blocked.Follow below steps :-1. Go to
account settings.2. Select `download a
copy` option.3. Choose `expanded archive`
from the next page opened and enter
your password and click continue.4.
Select `start my archive`.5. After a few
hours you'll get the download link in
your email.5. Download the file
`facebook` and unzip it.6. Open the folder
html and then `friend_requests.html`.7.
You can see the list of your friend
requests and pending lists.Now goto
their accounts and click`cancel
request.That's all You are done now.
Your account is safe.


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